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Making Money With Solar Energy System

Starting a Business with Solar Energy Panels

Energy is one of the most needed things in the developing world. As the amount of energy consumed increases, the expenses also increase. No matter how much saving is tried, unfortunately energy consumption cannot be prevented. If you are someone who understands electricity, it may be possible to produce your own energy in a way that you can both save and make a profit. People who produce energy with renewable energy sources can earn income by selling the energy that is more than their own needs.

Depending on the income provided, you can use it as an additional income, or you can produce energy as a business idea in the future. It is possible for entrepreneurs who benefit from renewable energy sources to earn very good incomes in the long run. All that is required for this is that you have provided the necessary information about energy and electrical work. With the use of solar and wind energies, it may be possible to increase your income. The income that can be obtained after providing a certain amount of capital to start your business will be quite large.

Energy has become one of the things that people need most. Therefore, the demand for energy production will continue to continue for many years. Since it is one of the most important sectors in the world and in our country, entrepreneurs who are interested in this field can increase their income thanks to their business ideas in the field of energy. By starting their own business, they can provide a serious increase in their income.

How to Produce Solar Energy from Home?

It may be possible for entrepreneurs to generate energy from their homes with the help of the sun and reduce their own costs. In order to do this, some materials must first be provided. Then, a suitable area should be determined. For example; You can start producing energy by using the materials necessary for energy production on the balcony or roof of your house. If entrepreneurs want to produce energy from home with the help of solar energy, the (basic) materials to be provided are as follows:

Mona crystal solar panel
The purpose of the solar panel is to return the energies from the sun as electricity. Once this is achieved, the installation of the energy system can begin.

It forms one of the most important materials used in inverter solar panels. Inverter materials help in storing the energies produced in solar panels. They are devices that help to increase the energies from approximately 12 volts to 220 volts. In this way, it helps to use the energy produced up to 220 volts.

charge controller
It helps to charge the batteries of the electricity produced with the use of charge control devices. Control devices called charge regulators stop charging when full after storing the energy offered by the sun. In this way, not much current goes to the energy produced.

gel batteries
Gel batteries are among the most important materials in electricity generation. It may be better for entrepreneurs to prefer gel batteries. It can make a difference in energy production as it has a very long lifespan.

solar cable
Solar cables are a basic material that provides the return of energies between materials. Depending on the energy panel you have installed, it starts with the option of 4 mm and can extend up to 10 mm. Another cable option in between is 6 mm. Entrepreneurs can choose the most suitable model for them.

The materials used to provide the energy provided by the sun back as electricity. With the combination of small materials, you can provide enough electricity in a short time to turn on the televisions and mobile phones in your home without a socket.

How to Install Solar Energy Panel?

For the installation of solar panels, entrepreneurs must first pay attention to the materials they choose. Depending on the size of the selected solar panel, the thickness of the cables must be selected. As the size of the solar panel increases, the thickness of the cable used will increase accordingly. After the cables of the solar panels are placed correctly, the processes can be accelerated. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct placement of the cables of the batteries that will be filled with solar energy. After the solar panel is installed, it should be cleaned at regular intervals and the surface of the panel should be prevented from closing.

Note: If you want to be a reliable person in this field and to profit from this business model, we strongly recommend you to take training.

How to Start Solar Energy Production?

In order to produce solar energy, it is sufficient for entrepreneurs to have low and medium electricity knowledge. Production can be started if the cables are connected correctly and it is suitable for generating energy. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the amount of electricity that the entrepreneurs who want to produce with solar energy will primarily produce.

Entrepreneurs can create a list for themselves after deciding at what level they will produce electricity. It can test the system by generating enough energy to turn on the television. Campers are likely to want to generate enough energy to charge their phones. For this reason, the priority is to determine the amount of energy to be produced.

After determining the required amount of energy, it is possible for entrepreneurs to find the necessary materials in a short time. However, before the materials are purchased, it is necessary to determine in which area the solar panel will be installed by the entrepreneurs. For example, it may be possible for an entrepreneur living in a vineyard house to produce a lot of energy with the panels he installed. Solar panels can be installed on balconies, roofs and gardens of houses. It is possible to have more energy compared to the area owned and to produce enough to cover the whole house.

Entrepreneurs can save themselves with the panels they set up, or they can establish a business on this field. It can sell materials or have a solar panel installed for others who want to produce in their own home. In this way, he can earn a lot of income.

What is the Solar Energy Panel Production Cost?

To generate electricity with solar energy, materials must be provided. However, the materials are expensive and their prices vary according to the amount taken. People who want to do a small experiment by generating electricity will have fewer costs. However, if a large system is installed and electricity production is done seriously, the costs will increase.

The costs vary according to the brands of the materials used in the solar energy panels. Its costs can be high as they usually meet with intermediaries in foreign currencies. Providing all the materials of the solar panels can find an average of 3000–6000 dollars. If a business in energy production is to be established, the costs are likely to be higher. For this reason, entrepreneurs must first have a certain amount of capital and use the capital they have for their business.

What are the Points to Consider in Solar Panel Installation?

Entrepreneurs who want to produce with solar panels should pay attention to some points. First of all, it is necessary to choose the place where the panel will be placed. Accordingly, the points to be considered will change.

If the solar panel is to be installed on the roof, it is necessary to apply it to the energy authority in your city. At the same time, the static document of the roof on which the panel will be installed and the zoning change documents must be provided. The cost of solar panels to be installed on the roof can be up to an average of 6,000 USD.
If solar panels are to be installed on land, it is part of a larger initiative. In this case, it will be possible to generate more income by distributing energy. For the solar panels to be installed on the land, an average area of ​​21,000 m2 must be owned.
After providing the necessary permits and documents, you will be able to start energy production. It is necessary to obtain the dry marginal agricultural land report suitable for the land from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture.

This business model is one of the new generation business ideas that have become very popular, especially in our country and around the world in recent years. That’s why it’s so beneficial in the long run that you make a logical plan at the beginning and successfully introduce yourself to your environment.

Let’s talk about how you can make money with a few examples;


How many different families do you know close to you?
How many people in your neighborhood go camping every week?
How many people around you have a summer or winter house?
How many people around you want to save money?
etc. situations….

This is where the first target audience starts for you. In other words, you can earn money from both the product sales/supply and the assembly/labor of this work by gradually marketing the solar energy system that you started to produce in your own home.

Then what?

The next one will come by itself. When you were talking about your neighbor’s friend, your relatives’ friends, social media, etc., you had a chance to work with appointments over time.

The biggest example of inspiration in your marketing phase could be:

Water purifiers 🙂

Yes, it may seem strange to you, but the water is already coming from the fountain. Instead of paying for ready-made water, people can install a very small amount of purification device in their home and drink tap water that tastes almost free of charge.

This is exactly the business model you will make. That is, you provide free energy generation that people can actively use. and this process is free for life.


The gains of solar panels vary according to various factors. The most important point to note is that the panels will increase the number of earnings over the years. While the average income is 600$ in the first year of installation of the solar energy panel, the number of earnings may increase up to 15.000$ in the following years. Energy production can be done with an increasing profit rate every year.

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