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21 Fun and Money-Making Hobbies

Have fun and start making money in your spare time with our money-saving hobby guide. Moreover, each idea will provide you with unique opportunities to develop yourself further and thus earn more money.

Through hobbies that make money, you can both have fun and create the necessary resources for your different hobbies by earning money. With many money-saving hobby business ideas, you can have the opportunity to have the necessary infrastructure to establish your own business in a short time.

Hobbies that make money provide important opportunities especially for entrepreneurs and investors who want to spend their free time. Today the number of people who earn additional income by doing the jobs they love is at a considerable level. If you are looking for an interesting hobby idea to earn money; Our guide will accompany you throughout your journey.

Although the hobby is generally used to have a pleasant time; It’s worth noting that you’ll need more than that to turn it into a money-making idea.


money making hobbies

There is money-saving potential for people who enjoy gardens. Concentrating on gardening and landscaping as a business idea available in every country of the world as a fun hobby; You can start making money in a short time.

Today, there are many personnel recruitment announcements for garden and landscaping operations in Turkey. You can proceed through these, or you can apply to institutions or homeowners on this subject.


money making hobbies ideas

You can earn money through games, which are among the biggest hobbies. Yes, you do have the potential to earn money by playing games on a computer or mobile phone. It is one of the hobbies that make a lot of money. What you need to do is to be successful in games that provide an opportunity to earn money. Many games reward your achievements in the game and you can sell these rewards through various platforms. There are also many platforms where you can sell game accounts after you upgrade them.

The most money-making method in related games is to open a live broadcast. Especially on Twitch, Tiktok and Youtube, videos for these games attract serious attention and make money.

Top paid games:

League of Legends
Teamfight Tactics
Call of Duty: Warzone


best money making hobbies

One of the hobbies that many people enjoy the most is writing. Those who like to write interesting content on any subject can make money in this way. Moreover, it is among the ideas with the highest potential of all money-making hobbies. So you have the opportunity to earn a significant amount of money by writing.

There are many platforms in the world where you can earn money by writing articles and articles. By using these platforms, you can easily turn your writings into money. We recommend that you take a look at the How To Make Money By Writing guide to browse related platforms.


money making hobbies in the world

Those who enjoy painting can start making money using their significant artistic talents. It is an extremely effective way of making money. You can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from a single painting. However, this is a point that reveals that you need to be among the best in your field. Therefore, you can improve your drawing skills to earn money, and most importantly, you should make an effort for advertising and marketing.

Many people around the world want to display their original works of art in their homes or workplaces. You can offer them alternative drawings.


By improving yourself on calligraphy, which is a trending art form recently, you can give a more eye-catching form to wedding invitations, handmade advertisements, and various images.

The art of calligraphy is quite interesting. To achieve this, you can take a course or get help from the numerous videos on Youtube. It is worth noting that it is quite a fun activity. Therefore, it can also be considered a fun hobby.


It can be preferred as a good hobby to open a blog and publish the content you like here and gain followers from all over the world. At the same time, you can earn money by advertising on your blog while doing this. It is an extremely effective way of making money. Platforms that contain content, especially on the topics that people search for on the internet can reach the potential of attracting visitors in a short time.

You need to get more visitors to earn money. Therefore, we recommend that you turn to interesting content.


If you consider the internet and spending time on social media as a good hobby, you can easily do this while making money. Social media management is exactly what you need. You can earn money by managing the social media accounts of other people or businesses.

Especially businesses get support from freelancers to manage their Instagram, Facebook, and similar platforms.


Those who like to drive can turn it into money by giving steering training. It is worth noting that there has been a significant increase in the demand for special driving training, which is one of the essential issues for those who want to get a driver’s license in the world.


One of the best hobbies is making fun little sweets and cakes. You can also earn money by using this activity, which is preferred as a hobby loved by people all over the world. By opening a boutique cafe with very low capital, you have the chance to turn your hobby into money with sweets and cakes that you can offer to people.

It is a hobby idea that has the potential to make a lot of money, especially in tourist areas.


People who enjoy spending time with dogs; may provide executive services for other people’s dogs. Unfortunately, especially those who have dogs during the week can not find the necessary time for them to walk. You have the opportunity to earn money, albeit small, by providing services in this regard.


People who enjoy shooting videos can take this hobby to a platform with serious potential. Youtube has recently turned into a platform that provides significant monetization opportunities. By creating videos on Youtube, you can earn money as you get views.

YouTubers are also among the best passive income ideas. You shoot a video once and it starts earning you money as you watch it for a lifetime.


If you have skills in decoration and if you treat it as a hobby; You can earn money by providing this service for others.

You have the opportunity to earn money by providing services as a freelancer or in a small office, especially in areas that are in high demand such as office design. Also, remember that you can do this remotely by means of video conferencing. By creating a few advertisements from your social media accounts that you provide services in this direction; You have the opportunity to find a job in a short time.

13. KNIT

Those who like to knit scarves, hats, cardigans, and similar clothing products can also turn this hobby into an income tool. You can sell these products very easily and get more orders day by day. What you need to do is to reveal the knitting products that are suitable for the demands of the people.

You can use Letgo, Wardrobe, and Facebook groups to sell knitting products. In addition, opening a boutique on Instagram can help you a lot in this regard.


Makeup can be a fun hobby for you. It is worth noting that recently, make-up artists have started to be in demand in every way.

You can become one of the makeup artists or post makeup videos, create tips or provide personalized ideas on social media platforms.


If you love capturing a moment, photography can be one of your money-making hobbies. There are different ways photographers can make money…

  • You can work for photographers
  • You can work for those who want to have good photos on their special days
  • You can sell your photos
  • You can open a photography course


Most of the works dealing with woods are among the extremely entertaining hobbies. Those who like wood and those who have a talent in this field can present wood products that can be sold and put them up for sale. You can sell such products directly to toy stores, or you can sell them through Letgo, Wardrobe, and Facebook groups.


One of the ideas that have significant potential for those who like to detail their vehicles and make them look more interesting is to provide auto-tuning service. You can reach a significant customer base even with small advertisements for auto-tuning that you can open even with a very affordable capital cost.


Many people like to fix it. One of the money-making hobbies for those who like to fix anything they can get their hands on is computer maintenance and repair. You can easily do this service even in your own home without opening any business.

You can attend a related course to improve yourself in computer maintenance and repair. There are many courses opened in this direction. Most of them are completed with 1-2 months of training with very small numbers.


Collecting is one of the most interesting hobbies around the world. Having a beautiful collection is also of great financial value. Collectors often find valuable items for sale at affordable prices and offer them for sale at true value. You can greatly increase your earning potential by making collecting professionally.


Many people are interested in astronomy as a hobby. Astronomy is also among the hobbies that will allow you to earn money. If you are a professional in astronomy; By opening a website, blog or social media account, you can get visitors or followers by expressing your ideas about astronomy. Then, if you manage to reach a certain audience, you can earn money by advertising on your page or on your website and blog.

It is an extremely popular business idea carried out over the Internet. At the same time, you can be interested in your hobby and have the opportunity to earn significant money.


Undoubtedly, music is among the most beautiful hobbies. If you enjoy dealing with music; You can earn money while having fun.

There are many different ways to earn money while dealing with music. These,

  • make money by writing lyrics
  • instrument rental
  • Making amateur music videos
  • Creating and editing clips
  • Advising artists

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