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5 Highest Paying Jobs and Salaries in 2022

Considering the situation of the minimum wage and living conditions in our country, the importance of high-paying professions increases even more. So, which professions pay more?

As it is known, it is necessary to do meticulous research and learn all the details for choosing a career. In addition to the question “What do I want to do”, it is also necessary to consider how much income will be obtained from the business. In fact, earnings are one of the overriding criteria for many people.

Therefore, high-paying professions are among the alternatives to career building.

It is the wisest thing to do to have an idea about high-paying professions before making the choice anyway. So, in your career choice, which will be a turning point in shaping your life, you should consider the following items.

1. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are extremely important for companies in these days when there is fierce competition between institutions. Therefore, companies open their mouths for these senior managers. Generally, the average salary of the job, which is required to graduate from undergraduate programs such as economics and business administration, is stated as 7000 USD.

2. Pilot

Although it is not easy to earn the title of pilot, the job attracts young people with the promised salary. Of course, for this, it is necessary to learn the details about being a pilot and to know the disadvantages of the profession. But today, with a minimum salary of around 12 thousand USD, it is a profession that should definitely be considered.

3. Biochemistry Specialist

A biochemist is defined as a person who has the level of knowledge to standardize all stages from taking patient samples to reporting and to interpret patient results. In order to practice the profession, it is necessary to take 6 years of medical education and then 4 years of specialization training. The average salary is stated as 11 thousand USD.

4. Financial Director

Finance directors who oversee the financial work of companies are also among the high-paid professions. The profession, which is required to graduate from undergraduate departments such as economics, finance, banking and business, has an average monthly income of 13 thousand dollars.

5. Software Development Engineering

Generally, it is performed by graduates of universities such as computer engineering and electronic engineering. Among the professions of the future, the average monthly income of the job is stated as 5300 USD.

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